Created by award-winning theatre company Magnetic North
Two week creative residency, working with lead artists;
Linda McLean (Playwright)
Morven Macbeth (Theatre-Maker) (work pictured)
Sanjay Lago (Actor, Poet)
Alice Mary Cooper (Performer, Clown)
Created by Rowanbank Environmental Arts
Commissioned by the Woodland Trust
Jay-Jay, one of the characters the local audiences meet. Jay-Jay is practicing for the national flying competition and tells us all about the other competitive creatures she’s up against as she aims high for 9th place!
Created by Lisa Hannah Wilson
Commissioned by Heriot-Watt University
Created by Andrew Jeffrey
Commissioned by the Edinburgh Science Festival, performed at the Abu Dhabi Science Festival
Children’s theatre show which uses clown, physical theatre, science, and a lot of paint!